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Carolina Rex (8-10pm)

January 3, 2015
Southern Appalachian Brewery
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822 Locust St., Ste 100, Hendersonville, United States, 28792



Carolina Rex is built on a core of Texas Blues, R&B, funk, and soul. Depending on the venue, Cajun blues, rockabilly, surf, classic rock, new wave, metal, jazz and original music might creep in. Whatever the gig – there is always danceable music, vocal harmony, impressive musicianship, and a band that treats the venue, promoters and patrons with respect.

Male and female lead vocals set us apart, as well as harmonica, some of the best musicians in the area, and a hugely varied repertoire.

In addition to playing local clubs around Western North Carolina, Carolina Rex has performed at the NC Mountain State Fair, Carolina Mountain Ribfest, Biltmore Park Town Square Concerts in the Park, Lake Toxaway Music on the Mountain, and the Harambee Festival.


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