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BlueSunday with Garry Segal and Michael Filappone (5-7pm)

December 28, 2014
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United States



Singer songwriter and blues guy Garry Segal brings a bag of soul and swingy blues tunes to a sunday afternoon…

After 20 years of successful recording and touring with his band Garry & the Moodswingers, bandleader Garry Segal set off on a solo career. Seeking a more personal connection with his audience, Garry got back to basics with a guitar, his voice, harmonica, paper, pencil and the insights gained from many years on the road …taking notes along the way. The new CD “Taking Notes” is an eclectic mix of americana styles featuring Garrys sly & wry lyrics detailing his world of failed dreams, humor & hope. His soulful singing, acoustic guitar and harmonica are featured throughout.


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