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Hendersonville Green Drinks (6-8pm)

August 13, 2015
Southern Appalachian Brewery
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822 Locust St., Ste 100, Hendersonville, United States, 28792

green drinks


MountainTrue, formerly the Environmental and Conservation Organization (ECO), will host Hendersonville Green Drinks on the second Thursday of each month. The gatherings will feature a brief presentation on a topic of environmental interest, with the remainder of the time focused on socializing and networking with people of similar interests.

Brendan Shanahan is a civil engineer with the City of Hendersonville, and project manager for Phase III of the Oklawaha Greenway, which connects Patton Park to Berkely Mills Park.  He will go over the process of creating a greenway, the current status of phase 3, and challenges associated with this newest section.

Everyone is welcome. Green Drinks is a great way to catch up with people you know, and also make new contacts. For more information about Hendersonville Green Drinks, contact Mark Stierwalt, Southern Regional Director for MountainTrue at (828) 692-0385 ext. 1004, or Mark@mountaintrue.org

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