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Virtual Jazz Night Featuring: The Ruth Cooney Trio (6:30 – 8:30pm)

April 8, 2020
Southern Appalachian Brewery
Google Map
822 Locust St., Ste 100, Hendersonville, United States, 28792


Jazz Night at SAB continues as a virtual edition this Wednesday April 8, with special guest Ruth Cooney (vocals). Cooney, Connor Law (bass), and Jason DeCristofaro (vibes/piano/drums), have recorded their parts in isolation. The parts were then synchronized and edited by Jason DeCristofaro using video editing software. To hear the free concert, please visit the following link on YouTube, which will be made public at 6:30 PM on April 8, 2020 – after the 6:30 PM premiere, there is no way to miss the performance, as the playlist will be up on YouTube permanently!:


Southern Appalachian Brewery (SAB), a brewery/venue that is one of Western North Carolina’s biggest supporters of live music (including Jazz Night at SAB), is struggling from financial due to the COVID-19 Shut Down. To make a donation, please visit the following link:


To donate to the musicians for this week’s performance, Ruth Cooney and Connor Law, please pay at:

Venmo: @Connor-law-3
PayPal: linked to connor.law4@gmail.com

Enjoy the virtual concert, and stay safe and healthy!

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