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Jeff Michels (6-9pm)

May 29, 2014
Southern Appalachian Brewery
Google Map
822 Locust St., Ste 100, Hendersonville, United States, 28792

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Jeff picked up his first guitar at 16 years old, and never put it down… started piano around then, too. Thirty-some years of song-writing and singing out since then… North Carolina, Atlanta, Seattle, California, Virgina, Maryland… Jeff was born and raised in the apple country of New York state–not too far from Woodstock. He performs on acoustic guitar and piano with a strong voice and a leaning towards rock and folk. Influenced by the “change the world” artists of the 70’s, his serious songs strive to do just that. But the love songs, a good sense of humor, and just enough arrangements of songs you might know keep his music interesting and entertaining.

Tonight Jeff will be performing as part of the TEAM Day Fundraiser. Come out and show your support!


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