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King Possum (6-9pm)

January 15, 2015
Southern Appalachian Brewery
Google Map
822 Locust St., Ste 100, Hendersonville, United States, 28792



Times were tough when I was a kid growing up in a small town in East Texas. One year we couldn’t afford uniforms for the fire department so had to recycle some chicken costumes that had been used by 4H at the county fair the previous year. The men didn’t care for it much saying it made them all look “too hippy.” The smell of all those singed feathers at a fire was also none too pleasant. Memories…

In other news: King Possum will be back at SAB on 1/15 playing that Americana-Rootsy- Folkesque thing that we play. I expect it to be a stellar evening. Maybe even EXTRAstellar. I have also been informed that there will be beer available for purchase. Y’all come.


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